Why Hypnotherapy Now?
You may be asking yourself will hypnotherapy be right for me now...
Do you feel like a behaviour is taking control over you?
Clinical hypnotherapy is a treatment the utilises hypnosis, as a therapeutic approach to facilitate positive change in your thoughts, behaviours and emotional well-being.
Personal growth and self-improvement: Hypnotherapy can help individuals overcome limiting beliefs, increase self-confidence, and achieve personal goals by tapping into their inner resources and potential.
Hypnotherapy can be used to manage a wide range of psychological and physical symptoms such as anxiety, depression, pain, stress phobias and addictions, through relaxation and the promotion of mind-body healing.
Did you know Hypnotherapy is a recognised treatment for a variety of conditions or habits by the NHS.
What is Hypnosis?
Did you know that hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind that we all experience trance states several times a day, as an example day dreaming is trance state. As clinical hypnotherapists we use hypnotic states for therapeutic purposes to help you.
Clinical hypnotherapy is not stage hypnosis, it is also not a form of mind control or entertainment hypnosis. It is a therapeutic modality that requires the willing participation and consent of the client, clinical hypnotherapy is conducted within ethical and professional guidelines.